The moon is all about emotions and this one being a full moon is about emotions at their peak.
This is a complete cycle of your mum’s life.
A complete and full love and a complete sense of loss.
The absence of colour shows that your world now seems colourless that she is no longer in your life. The flowers are very feminine and give a softness to the tragedy of losing someone that you loved with all of your heart.
It reflects upon not only the beauty of the person who has passed but of you yourself.
These flowers are in full bloom and remember so are you.
You can now show off the woman that you are today because of the woman that you lost.
She taught you so many valuable lessons and was such an amazing role model.
Look in the mirror and see how much of her reflects back at you.
She lives on in you.
The tattoo is on your right arm showing that you need the masculine energy from this side of your body to give you the strength to survive through your grief.
The inner arm is a very sensitive area of your body and holds the things we want to keep close and to ourselves.
Only revealing it to those we want to share it with.
It is also where we keep the messages and reminders to ourselves.
Your mum has a strong peaceful presence.
She truly was beautiful inside and out.
She will always be just a thought away.
If you listen carefully you will here her advise when you ask for it.